Ghost Rider (PlayStation 2, 2007)
SIMILARITY RANKING Games similar to Ghost Rider:
57 |  | Spider-Man 2 (PlayStation 2, 2004) | 57 |  | The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 55 |  | Spider-Man (PlayStation 2, 2002) | 53 |  | Marvel Super Hero Squad (PlayStation 2, 2009) | 45 |  | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 44 |  | Silent Hill: 0rigins (PlayStation 2, 2008) |
Notes: Games similar to Ghost Rider, Games like Ghost Rider, Climax Solent, 2K Games, Inc., PlayStation 2, Action, Fighting, 3rd-person, Other, Motorcycle, Marvel, Sony PlayStation, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Game Similarities.