Elemental: War of Magic (Windows, 2010)
Games similar to Elemental: War of Magic:
99  Sorcerer King (Windows, 2015)
83  Age of Wonders III (Windows, 2014)
81  Warlock 2: The Exiled (Windows, 2014)
80  Sorcerer King: Rivals (Windows, 2016)
72  Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (Windows, 2003)
72  Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne (Windows, 2002)
71  Age of Wonders (Windows, 1999)
70  Legends of Callasia: The Stoneborne (Windows, 2016)
70  Planar Conquest (Windows, 2016)
70  Worlds of Magic (Windows, 2015)
70  Lords of Magic (Windows, 1997)
70  A New World: Kingdoms (Windows, 2017)
63  Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords (Windows, 2006)
61  Galactic Civilizations (Windows, 2003)
60  Galactic Civilizations III (Windows, 2015)
52  Pandora: First Contact (Windows, 2013)
52  Endless Space_2 (Windows, 2017)
51  Space Empires V (Windows, 2006)
51  Aggressors: Ancient Rome (Windows, 2018)
50  Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War (Windows, 2018)
50  Commands & Colors: Ancients (Windows, 2018)
50  Master of Orion (Windows, 2016)
48  Sid Meier's Civilization V (Windows, 2010)
44  Sid Meier's Civilization II (Windows, 1996)
44  Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Windows, 2005)
43  Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Windows, 2016)
42  Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (Windows, 2014)
42  Civilization: Call to Power (Windows, 1999)
41  Call to Power II (Windows, 2000)
41  Master of Magic (DOS, 1994)
40  Jon Shafer's At the Gates (Windows, 2019)
40  Master of Magic (Windows, 1997)
40  War of Conquest (Windows, 2002)
40  Civilization II: Test of Time (Windows, 1999)
40  Sovereignty: Crown of Kings (Windows, 2017)

Notes: Games similar to Elemental: War of Magic, Games like Elemental: War of Magic, Stardock Entertainment, Inc., Stardock Entertainment, Inc., Windows, Strategy, Tactics, Fantasy, 4X, Turn-based, Bird's-eye view, PC, Game Similarities.

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