Soccer Mania (Windows, 2002)
Games similar to Soccer Mania:
45  Kick Off 2002 (Windows, 2002)
45  Pro Soccer Cup 2002 (Windows, 2002)
45  Calcio Championship (Windows, 2002)
44  UEFA Challenge (Windows, 2001)
44  Backyard Soccer 2004 (Windows, 2003)
42  Total Soccer 2000 (Windows, 1999)
41  Total Soccer (Windows, 1998)
41  Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer (DOS, 1989)
40  International Soccer (DOS, 1994)
40  World Cup USA 94 (DOS, 1994)
40  PC Gol (DOS, 1993)
40  USA Soccer '94 (DOS, 1994)
40  Sociable Soccer (Windows, 2017)
40  Deathmatch Soccer (Windows, 2017)
40  Goal! (DOS, 1993)
40  Table Football Pro (Windows, 2017)
40  DDM Soccer 96 (DOS, 1996)
40  Football Glory (DOS, 1995)
40  Kick Off 2 (DOS, 1990)
40  Foosball: World Tour (Windows, 2015)
40  Sensational World Soccer 2010 (Windows, 2010)
40  Sensible Soccer '98 (Windows, 1997)
40  Rick Davis's World Trophy Soccer (DOS, 1989)
40  Mundial de FĂștbol (DOS, 1990)
40  World Championship Soccer (DOS, 1991)
40  World Class Soccer (DOS, 1990)
40  World Cup 90 (DOS, 1990)
40  England Championship Special (DOS, 1991)

Notes: Games similar to Soccer Mania, Games like Soccer Mania, Silicon Dreams Studio Ltd., Electronic Arts, Inc., LEGO Interactive, Windows, Sports, Top-down, Football, European, Soccer, LEGO, PC, Game Similarities.

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