Foresight (Windows, 2014)
Games similar to Foresight:
64  Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (Windows, 2016)
60  Star Trek: Armada II (Windows, 2001)
60  Star Trek: Armada (Windows, 2000)
44  Istrolid (Windows, 2016)
43  Gemini Wars (Windows, 2012)
42  StarSmashers (Windows, 2017)
42  Beyond the Void (Windows, 2017)
41  Conquest: Frontier Wars (Windows, 2001)
40  Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander (DOS, 1989)
40  Shattered Suns (Windows, 2008)
40  The Outforce (Windows, 2001)
40  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars (Windows, 2001)
40  Dark Colony (Windows, 1997)
40  Sorades: Die Befreiung (Windows, 2006)

Notes: Games similar to Foresight, Games like Foresight, Strides Interactive, mNosGaming, Windows, Strategy, Tactics, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, War, Real-Time, Space Flight, PC, Game Similarities.

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